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Our people and society

We always put the

patients first

Conveniently drive go forward architectures with future-proof growth strategies. Energistically supply low-risk high-yield process improvements for mission-critical testing procedures commonly publishing industries

Our people and society

We always put the

patients first

We always put the

patients first

Our people and society

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Conveniently drive go forward architectures with future-proof growth strategies. Energistically supply low-risk high-yield process improvements for mission-critical testing procedures commonly publishing industries

Our people and society

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Best Treatment for

healthy life

Our people and society

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Conveniently drive go forward architectures with future-proof growth strategies. Energistically supply low-risk high-yield process improvements for mission-critical testing procedures commonly publishing industries

Our people and society

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Best Medics, Doctors

and physicians

Medical & General Care!

Our Services

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human

HPB and Surgical Gastroenterology

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Cardiovascular for Women’s

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Heart Checkup or Cardiovascular

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Laboratory & Pathology Drag

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Hematology and Super Cool

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life


Years Of Experience




Happy Patients


About Us

Yash age care centre is primarily for senior citizens who are unable to stay with their families or are destitute. situated in the heart of the city, surrounded by dominant hospitals and medical facilities having all necessary supports including nursing, ambulance and provision of well-balanced meals.


+91 72240-77456

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Senior residents are considered to be a burden and dependents in society. To change this perspective and to shoulder their responsibilities, we have started this initiative by providing senior citizen homes. At Yash Age Care Home, we ensure that senior living is not just a way of living, but an ocean of opportunities, freedom, joy and independence where no other elderly day-care will provide as we do. At Yash Age Care Home senior resident will discover a new enjoying life with peace and happiness. The thought behind starting this kind of old age home is simple yet profound. We understand that senior resident need to live a life filled with independence, dignity, joy, freedom, and security. So, we at Yash Age Care Home have caringly created an environment that encourages senior assist to experience things that have been an integral part of their life. At the same time enjoy those moments that one might have missed out in life while fulfilling their responsibilities at our elderly home.

Our mission is to bring high standard and quality nursing services to homes, Communities at affordable and accessible to all. We desire to transform the home nursing services based on personal and trusted relationship.

To be the most respected and trusted home nursing service facilitators in India and Overseas.

Our objective is to provide nursing services based on qualitative & comprehensive care to the patients, Maximum comfort and happiness by way of pleasant surroundings. Formulate a personal and professional ethical framework to conduct professional nursing.

We have our own Team for Recruitment, Selection, Regulations, Training and Development to assure the safety for both the parties such as the home nurse and the clients- who hiring the nursing service.

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News and Events

Some of The Facilities Include


CCTV Cover

Round the Clock
Ambulance Service

Doctors and
Care Team

Water Purifiers.
Geysers/ Heaters

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